Benny the Butcher & NPR Drop At-Home Tiny Desk

Benny the Butcher has recently linked up with NPR to release a new at-home episode of the highly popular YouTube series, NPR Tiny Desk. As NPR describes, their performances are most definitely “stripped-down” and “intimate”; this set features Benny chillin’ on his couch, effortlessly rapping bar after bar. Benny ran through some of my favorite cuts, with the setlist including tracks ranging between his latest effort, The Plugs I Met, to old releases such as Tana Talk 3.

Griselda has carved out their own lane in today’s hip-hop game and Benny’s impeccable discography and talent showcase the standard the group has created for themselves.

Check the video out above and look out for new collaborative music dropping from Benny soon.

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